Monday 28 March 2011

Gen X, Y, Z

I am Gen Y, the tech savvy bunch.
Gen Y live in a world of technology, and are the risk takers. Gen Y is 1980-97.

Oh how I wish I was Gen X, my parents are Gen X.
*sigh* Gen X. Man, what a laid back bunch. Straight form Woodstock. Loved freely, so chilled about everything and totally chose social life over work. Though because they were so chilled, relationships did not last so long.
One lady once said "Generation X is made up of cynical, hopeless, frustrated and unmotivated slackers who wear grunge clothing, listen to alternative music and still live at home because they cannot get real jobs. It is a label that has stuck."

Gen Z, the ones that know no different. Born into technology, it's all around them. 4 year olds working iPads, 10 year olds with facebook. They don't know life without the net or technology.

Oh how I would love to be Gen X. Be hippy, chilled and go to Woodstock in my Kombi Van.

What comes after Z? maybe the same stupid person who decided that X should come after Baby Boomers will decide..

Do the D.A.N.C.E, to the B.E.A.T, just as easy as A.B.C
Do the dance, do the dance.

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