Sunday 27 March 2011

Marshmallow Mousse

Today I made marshmallow mousse. Well I didn't exactly make it, I bought the ready made powder and added milk to it. It was great. I highly recommend it. It says it serves 5, and believe me, it really does. But I ate for all 5. And I did the same a couple days ago with chocolate mousse. I personally like the marshmallow mousse better.

I have a friend, Pete Davis, who is great. We used to call each other marshmallows. I would be the pink marshmallow and he would be the white. It was pretty cool. We were the best of friends, and still are. He once cried when he moved up to 4yr old kinder before me. How cute!

Why am I eating far too much mousse you ask?

Shez and Sam are moving to Sydney next year. I'm so happy for them both, but I'll miss them like crazy. SO right now what I am doing is sorting out the food that will be great for when I have a meltdown and they're not there.
So far I think I will go for cookie dough, ice cream, mac 'n' cheese, mousse and custard.
I will NOT put on weight.*determination*
Don't get me wrong, I want them to go, I'll just miss them. A lot. That's all.

I can't WAIT for Beastly to come out. It will be AMAZING. So will Prom, and Monsters Inc 2. But seriously, a modern day Beauty and the Beast.. HOW COOL!
It's got NPH, The guy from Wild Child, Venessa Hudgens AND Mary-Kate Olsen.

Today, I ironed for the first time.. Win
Today, I ate 5 servings of mousse.. Win
Today, I learned that Joshua 5 says circumcised 8 times.. Win

Clear eyes, Full hearts, CAN'T LOSE!

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