Tuesday 10 May 2011


I was watching Australia's Got Talents tonight, it was alright.

What are some of my random talents?
- being able to down a tube of condensed milk in 5 mins
- having knees and elbows that bend backwards
- finding whatever I want on sale, always
- playing my piano exam without opening my book
-  writing essays in record time the night before

Yeah so I haven't written anything in a while, and was under some pressure.
So... yeah, don't really have anything to talk about.

I'm going surfing tomorrow. Kill me now. It's going to be 12degrees TOP down at Phillip Island, with storms. Oh my.
I also may be going to Mt Buller and Costa Rica -- separate trips though. Costa Rica would be amazing.

Angry Boys starts tomorrow, it's part of my drama subject to watch it, so thats some good homework.  

I think that's about it in my life. People suck,  God's pretty cool, that's really all I can say. Peace out

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