it's boxing day... which means only one thing. SALES! yes, I did go out a purchase a few lovely items, but nothing I do gets that one thing off my mind. nothing can distract me quite right, nothing I buy, or recieve as a present can give me what I want. that stupid christmas song really did apply.
yesterday was christmas, and that is an exciting time for all, though I have decided that I much prefer the lead up to christmas, rather than christmas day itself. in my family, christmas day is quite... boring really. we see the whole family, we open presents, we eat.. a lot. and that's about it, no fun traditions, no nothing. although I usually love christmas, like it's my favourite time of year, but this year it just wasn't happening. I think I can figure out why.
this year I was away from the one that matters, the one person I actually wanted to spend christmas with, and couldn't. pretty sure I looked pretty gloomy all day, but as much as I tried, I just couldn't help but feel sad and a tad frustrated. everyone else got to see their person on christmas, why not me!? I know, I know, it's only been like two weeks, but still. oh how I would give to be graced with his wonderful presence. I can't get him off my mind, he's taken over it. nothing I do can stop the thoughts flooding it. maybe it's the distance that does it, I don't know, but what I do know is that it just doesn't stop. I feel like if I keep myself occupied then the time will go faster, but in my head, my time runs between when he's going to call, how long till I see him, and so on.
whether he knows it or not, I'm crazy about him, and it really is taking me so my strength not to just jump on a plane right now. distance is freaking hard, not gonna lie, not gonna sugar coat it, but man if this all works out, so so worth it, and I would not give it back. I guess I just have to be grateful for what time I do have with him, and know that it won't always be like this. It's also probably me being a moody teenage girl, whatever. I just have to believe, because it is so worth it, and I ain't giving him up.
colour your world
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
twentytwo days
thoughts are flooding the mind again, what better way to voice them than to write
so there's this guy. he's somewhat new in my life, and he's pretty darn cool.
only problem is he does not live close by, which poses as a slight problem, but we can do it.
I shall be seeing him in just over three weeks time, and I am so looking forward to it. I don't think he realises just how much he brightens up my day and life in general. is it possible that someone you just met only 2 months ago can have such a massive impact on your life? clearly it is, because he does.
in twenty two days I shall be overjoyed by the amazingness of his company. in twenty two days he shall be blessed with my company also.
a lot can happen in twenty two days I have discovered though. in this twenty two day waiting period, there's Christmas, New Years and many more joyous occasions that one would think I'd be thrilled by. don't get me wrong, love those times of year, but suddenly they don't seem so important anymore when all I want to do is spend them with him. obviously that is not going to happen, but it just slightly saddens me to think so. I really hope to spend many other Christmas' and New Years' with him, if he shares those same hopes.
so I met him just two months ago, or a little over. we hit things off pretty well and now I can't imagine my life without him. he really is one of my best friends, male friends that is, the other female best friend wouldn't here of it! it's just, how can all these feelings and tight bonds have been formed in such short time? I really don't understand. the only way I can try to describe it is that we just get each other, and have done since we met. we never get bored of each other, or each other's company, and you'd think living so far away would have pushed him away, but infact it's done the opposite and has brought us closer and stronger. we make it through the distance and I'm sure we can make it through just about anyhting. whether he be reading this or not, he really has changed my life for the better and in only two months. no one has ever done that before! definitely someone who needs to stay in my life!
there's my little rant, back soon!
so there's this guy. he's somewhat new in my life, and he's pretty darn cool.
only problem is he does not live close by, which poses as a slight problem, but we can do it.
I shall be seeing him in just over three weeks time, and I am so looking forward to it. I don't think he realises just how much he brightens up my day and life in general. is it possible that someone you just met only 2 months ago can have such a massive impact on your life? clearly it is, because he does.
in twenty two days I shall be overjoyed by the amazingness of his company. in twenty two days he shall be blessed with my company also.
a lot can happen in twenty two days I have discovered though. in this twenty two day waiting period, there's Christmas, New Years and many more joyous occasions that one would think I'd be thrilled by. don't get me wrong, love those times of year, but suddenly they don't seem so important anymore when all I want to do is spend them with him. obviously that is not going to happen, but it just slightly saddens me to think so. I really hope to spend many other Christmas' and New Years' with him, if he shares those same hopes.
so I met him just two months ago, or a little over. we hit things off pretty well and now I can't imagine my life without him. he really is one of my best friends, male friends that is, the other female best friend wouldn't here of it! it's just, how can all these feelings and tight bonds have been formed in such short time? I really don't understand. the only way I can try to describe it is that we just get each other, and have done since we met. we never get bored of each other, or each other's company, and you'd think living so far away would have pushed him away, but infact it's done the opposite and has brought us closer and stronger. we make it through the distance and I'm sure we can make it through just about anyhting. whether he be reading this or not, he really has changed my life for the better and in only two months. no one has ever done that before! definitely someone who needs to stay in my life!
there's my little rant, back soon!
Thursday, 15 December 2011
new beginnings
wow it has been a very very very long time since I last posted, and I now realise just how stupid I sounded. but here I am again... still writing.
so since I last wrote, on May 27, Pete's birthday might I add, a lot has changed. like a lot.
for me personally, I have met some crazy cool new people, that have changed my life for the better. there have been many ups, and many downs to go with them.
for starters, my best friend is moving to Sydney next year for nine months (to have a baby, obviously). letting her go will be one of the hardest things to do, but she so deserves to go, and I'm sure she'll love it.
my cousin also returned from Kenya, and that has been amazing to have her, she is no longer my cousin, but one of my best friends. I love having her round, she's a pretty cool Currie.
In October, I headed over to Adelaide, following my best friend, making sure she didn't do anything stupid. I met some pretty darn amazing people there too, one of which I new before I went, but whome completely lost my trust and broke my heart watching him break hers. going there, he thought I would eat him alive, which was partially true, but luckily I didn't, because he's back in the good books after the repaying he did.
He and her have this friend, however, who has had oh such a huge impact on me. this friend is one of the single greatest things that has happened to me, in a while anyways. he's pretty great, something special indeed. so we met, not too long ago, and we hit things off pretty well straight away. he's lovely, he's kind, he's pretty flippin amazing, whether he knows it or not. he's one of my very best friends, and I like him mucly. though he lives in adelaide, which means I don't get to see him all the time, and that saddens me.
last weekend he came down and visited, which was freaking great. we spent a lot of time together, and as of the 12th december expressed his feelings, to which are mutual. I am over the flippin moon. I think sometimes he doesn't know how great he is, and how much he brightens my day. I love every minute talking to him, and he is really something pretty great, pretty special, something I am not willing to give up. I am proud to call him one of my best friends, and something more at that. I cannot wait till he visits in January, it will be amazing!
that's about enough from me, I think anyways. sometimes we just need to take a break from all this 'telling the world our life' stuff. because the world doesn't need to hear everything, and it also means that after a little while we look back on it and realise how much can change ridiculously in such a short amount of time. after many ups, and many downs, life is treating me pretty great!
so since I last wrote, on May 27, Pete's birthday might I add, a lot has changed. like a lot.
for me personally, I have met some crazy cool new people, that have changed my life for the better. there have been many ups, and many downs to go with them.
for starters, my best friend is moving to Sydney next year for nine months (to have a baby, obviously). letting her go will be one of the hardest things to do, but she so deserves to go, and I'm sure she'll love it.
my cousin also returned from Kenya, and that has been amazing to have her, she is no longer my cousin, but one of my best friends. I love having her round, she's a pretty cool Currie.
In October, I headed over to Adelaide, following my best friend, making sure she didn't do anything stupid. I met some pretty darn amazing people there too, one of which I new before I went, but whome completely lost my trust and broke my heart watching him break hers. going there, he thought I would eat him alive, which was partially true, but luckily I didn't, because he's back in the good books after the repaying he did.
He and her have this friend, however, who has had oh such a huge impact on me. this friend is one of the single greatest things that has happened to me, in a while anyways. he's pretty great, something special indeed. so we met, not too long ago, and we hit things off pretty well straight away. he's lovely, he's kind, he's pretty flippin amazing, whether he knows it or not. he's one of my very best friends, and I like him mucly. though he lives in adelaide, which means I don't get to see him all the time, and that saddens me.
last weekend he came down and visited, which was freaking great. we spent a lot of time together, and as of the 12th december expressed his feelings, to which are mutual. I am over the flippin moon. I think sometimes he doesn't know how great he is, and how much he brightens my day. I love every minute talking to him, and he is really something pretty great, pretty special, something I am not willing to give up. I am proud to call him one of my best friends, and something more at that. I cannot wait till he visits in January, it will be amazing!
that's about enough from me, I think anyways. sometimes we just need to take a break from all this 'telling the world our life' stuff. because the world doesn't need to hear everything, and it also means that after a little while we look back on it and realise how much can change ridiculously in such a short amount of time. after many ups, and many downs, life is treating me pretty great!
Friday, 27 May 2011

I read a book this week, it was a cook book.
It said that women's second trade is homemaking.
I think this is the order of a women's three trades.
1. Baby making
2. Homemaking
3. Cleaning
Makes sense yeah?
![]() |
'When you can read you can cook!' |
10th June Op Shop formal
11th June Shez's 18th party
15th June Shez's Birthday and Emma comes
Following week exams week
Following week work experience
Following week Queensland
Following week TCAC.
Far out brussel sprout, that's intense!
Peace brother.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Cute PJ's
Today my dad was really nice. He sent me a really cute message saying "I hope you have a really good day, lots of love". Naww, what a nice dad. Then when he picked me up from work he had a bag in hand that had SPC jelly and fruit, which I'd asked for, and creme' caramels. All for me :)
I thought it was pretty nice.
MAGGI. Happiness made simple.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Bad Days
I had the worst day today, it went something like this:
- Woke up really tired because I was woken up in the middle of the night last night
- Mum tells me we are probably getting the car I DIDN'T want
- I open the cupboard and find that dad didn't get the right food I asked for
- It's really cold
- Go to school, find out injections were today
- Then find out injections are going to be in P1+2, which was when I had wheelchair basketball
- Got to do about 10 minutes of wheelchair basket ball because of it
- Go to shop to find a birthday present, didn't have it when they said they would
- Come home and find all these loud trucks in your driveway chopping down all your trees
- Walk inside, complain to dad
- Arm still killing me, have to go to dance
- Dad tells me no one can take me to dance, because they're test driving cars
- This means I have to get myself to dance via public transport
- It's in Nunawading

I'm downing my sorrows in metres of lickerish because safeway doesn't sell them in any smaller packages, and I only needed a little bit for a cake decorating.
- Woke up really tired because I was woken up in the middle of the night last night
- Mum tells me we are probably getting the car I DIDN'T want
- I open the cupboard and find that dad didn't get the right food I asked for
- It's really cold
- Go to school, find out injections were today
- Then find out injections are going to be in P1+2, which was when I had wheelchair basketball
- Got to do about 10 minutes of wheelchair basket ball because of it
- Go to shop to find a birthday present, didn't have it when they said they would
- Come home and find all these loud trucks in your driveway chopping down all your trees
- Walk inside, complain to dad
- Arm still killing me, have to go to dance
- Dad tells me no one can take me to dance, because they're test driving cars
- This means I have to get myself to dance via public transport
- It's in Nunawading

I'm downing my sorrows in metres of lickerish because safeway doesn't sell them in any smaller packages, and I only needed a little bit for a cake decorating.
LIFE SUCKS. But the Amazing Race is on tonight, so it'll be alright, because Shez and I will be on there. One day,
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
If we all die in 2012 then I have wasted that last year on school.
So I think I should drop out in preparation for the world ending. Sweet.
What the future may hold IF the world doesn't end up ending:
2012: Finish year 11
Say bye to Shez for a year
Go to Costa Rica for a month
2013: Finish year 12
2014: Gap year
Possibly do a 3 month course in Sydney
Save up money
Go to Europe and America
2015: Get into a full time 3 year interior design course
Possibly in Sydney
Em's puppy is quite cute.Seriously. It pee'd on her the other day.
Emma is coming soon, it'll be pretty cool when she gets here.
Pete's birthday is next week. I have no idea what to get him. It sucks.
Alice got her hair done, it looks amazing.
As I'm hopefully going to Costa Rica, and their first language is Spanish, I'll leave on a Spanish note
Hola Boots!
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